Monday, October 7, 2019

Update Primary Key Rails

In activerecord how can we update a record without worrying/knowing primary key. if i do address.update(15, :user_name => 'samuel') it corresponds to update addresses set user_name = 'sam.... [rails] update model without primary key; seb. nov 28, 2011 at 2:28 am: i have a telephone model in my rails application which is being updated from an android app. the phone model consists of id, name, version, imei, etc. id is the primary key as by the rails standard.. By default, create_table will create a primary key called id. you can change the name of the primary key with the :primary_key option (don’t forget to update the corresponding model) or, if you don’t want a primary key at all, you can pass the option id: false. so i set :primary_key option in create_table and it worked..

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The primary key is what is stored in the apps table. however i don't want to just key of the pk as it may not be exactly the same in all dbs. i want to key off of the status name for the update.. :primary_key. by convention, rails guesses that the column used to hold the primary key of this model is id. you can override this and explicitly specify the primary key with the :primary_key option. :readonly. if you set the :readonly option to true, then the associated object will be read-only when retrieved via the association.. The primary key of the conceptual data model should have the attributes given in the answers from the link you provided but may be different from the final physical primary key (familiarity for example is not imo a criteria for the primary key of the actual table). my answer relates to the primary key of the physical model..

update primary key rails

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